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Interactive Labels in BIMx

Roland Szabo


The BIMx updates released on September 27, 2023 introduced several new functions (see BIMx News). This article describes the Interactive Labels function, which further extends the capabilities of BIMx and brings BIM data closer to your fingertips. 

All of the BIMx applications are available for free. You can download or update them here: 








How Interactive Labels work  


Until now, element-associated information was only available in the 3D model in BIMx. Now, Interactive Labels bring easy access to BIM data on 2D Layouts as well,  in Hyper-models exported from Archicad 27. 


You can find the toggle to enable Interactive Labels in the Display menu of BIMx Settings: 



Once this toggle is turned on, Labels will be highlighted with an interactive blue rectangle on each Layout, and element-associated information can be accessed by tapping on the Label. In addition, an animated navigation from 2D to 3D canalso be activated by clicking the icon in the top left corner of the Element Info popover. The 3D model shows the ghostLayout while BIMx zooms to the associated element selection, highlighted in green: 




How to place Labels in Archicad to get Interactive Labels in BIMx 


The Interactive Labels feature is only available for Labels associated with 3D Elements. Labels can be placed on Floorplans, Sections, Elevations, Interior Elevations, and 3D Document Views placed on Layouts published from Archicad 27. Users also need to select the proper Info Set inside the Publisher Set Properties to include the necessary data in the Hyper-model. You can read more about implementing this correctly in BIMx Info Set settings in Archicad User Guide.


Interactive Labels provide information for those elements which are shown in the published 3D model.  


Autotext Labels and Symbol Labels make it possible to quickly access the BIM data of 

  • Façade details  
  • Composite structure details  
  • Structural elements information  
  • Tiling, wall finishes  
  • Window and door properties 
  • Element classification  
  • And much more! 


The new feature will further extend the capabilities of BIMx and bring BIM data closer to your fingertips. 


To learn more about Labels inside Archicad, you can read the documentation in the Archicad User Guide


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