Hello Arcadia!
Excuse my limited understanding of the word "surveyor". Do you mean
landscape mapping
(in Norwegian Situation Map) e.g. a map of for example 1:1000 that you place your Floor Plan on? If so: What about using the
Worksheet Tool
to do the transfer of the DWG File to ArchiCAD?

Set the
active in
File - External Content - Place External Drawing
Select the drawing by using the
Arrow Tool
and then
Explode into Current View
. Choose
Keep Drawing Primitives only
. This so the linetypes and text from the DWG-file may be open to change.
Then you have the DWG "under" your house and are ready to work...

Ingolf Sundfør, Bricklayer, Author of several Real Life Problem Solving Books for Archicaddicts in Norway.
PC/i7/W11/ArchiCAD 6.5-27