2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations
2024-07-06 12:00 AM
Hi All,
We have introduced a new documentation focused workflow for Keynotes in Archicad 28, to help simplify and consolidate tags and descriptions into one database and palette.
For more information:
2024-07-22 12:41 PM
Disappointing that keynotes haven't been integrated with classifications and properties, Graphisoft you have really missed the chance to make a great keynote tool by avoiding this idea
2024-07-22 02:34 PM
Hi @Nuge
We didn't "avoid this idea".
We spent a lot of effort researching and investigating various way on integrating Keynotes and connecting to elements - via Properties/Classifications was one idea. But we still wanted to cover a lot of different use cases for Keynotes.
The topic of connected data goes beyond Keynotes (a far bigger topic), and we are still looking into ways how this could expand and connect in the future.
Thanks for your feedback.
2024-07-23 04:14 PM
As well as @Nuge I'm disappointed that the keynote information can't be linked to model elements. Instead the new feature is a fine-tuned text/label tool. The opportunity of using the information already in the model or populating the information in the model with the keynotes is now missed. The current approach is not really BIM. How the keynote information is transferred to IFC? How it's ensured that the keynote information (eg. keys representing the door type) aligns with element properties (eg. the element id of the door or some other property)? Instead of taking us forward, this feature seems to take us back to time before BIM.
2024-07-31 11:36 AM
Same grievances as @Nuge and @vlahtinen
Can't use it, if it won't export to IFC
Also there's a vertical spacing issue ... (line won't do)
2024-08-01 03:15 PM
I am not sure if I have broken something as it worked previously but I have been setting up keynotes but additional keynotes don't seem to be following the numbering of the one already set up. Previously I have set up several keynotes during one session in Archicad and they have continued to be referenced in the logical sequence 'W-01, W-02, W-03 etc and then when I changed to F-01 they continued as F-02, F03 etc. I have set one up in the most recent project identified as '01' then closed Archicad, returned to it on another day and when I then add a new Keynote is doesn't continue the sequence and starts again at 'KN-01'.
2024-08-01 06:06 PM
I have an idea.
Is there a chance that keynote can be a bridge to transfer properties of an element and have some function to do with expression. Cause expression can't calculate other element. since version 22, the expression has no update. I wish the information and properties can intergrated by powerful expression.
I don't know if I expressed myself clear.
2024-08-02 05:59 AM
The main issue with keynotes is that they do not read the model.
This is fundamental.
We put a lot of effort into building an accurate model but most of this effort is wasted if the model does not inform the data. Instead of generating the KNs from the model text is attached to the model without any intelligent link. It just seems so wrong.
The model should inform the annotation (KN) otherwise there is no point in the model except to produce some 2D drawings and pretty pictures.
Unless the elements are named properly and intelligently and this naming is used by the annotation then the link is not possible. Without intelligent codes it is difficult or even impossible to carry out a basic check to see if the data attached to an element is correct.
Meaningless codes create errors.
Here is a simple example.
The Codes reflect the window configuration.
And another
Codes reflect model and type
There seems to be a resistance to allowing the use of proper naming including a coding system (because its too hard) but its the only way for
1) the user to understand the relationship between the code. Keynote and the element, and
2) for Archicad to intelligently autoLink
There is no point manually linking attributes which may not actually form part of the element,
The elements should inform the annotation data
All AC elements (walls floors slabs etc) can have a code (KN) code in the name as a prefix. Objects all need a CODE and DESCRIPTION field
Get the model right and everything flows from there “its so simple” 🤣
The user can always do it manually BUT at the moment its the only option and its NOT BIM
2024-08-05 03:47 PM
One last reply then I'll stop going over old ground.
Following from my last post I thought I would go back and focus on direct linking data<>element.
This is all done using Properties and Expressions and detailed naming of elements.
2024-08-05 05:08 PM - edited 2024-08-05 05:13 PM
Ähmmm @David Shorter I use Archicad properties, labels and lists exactly for that...
The "calculation" for plan-labels [CONCAT(property1+2+3) ...] in oder to achieve a decent graphic appearance - is also mapped to IFC. It's much easier to check for errors in an IFC Viewer than in Archicad (--> another topic)
Finally an element list provides exactly what your screenshot desires (BIM alltogether)
Trust: my property-lists and calculations for doors and windows are comprehensive. The only thing I wish for (since Archicad 24) is complete PROPERTY ACCESS TO LIBRARY ITEMS and their attibutes !!