When working on larger site layouts, we will hand house designs - am I alone in seeing the need for the facility to produce handed house designs from the original. hand. This was something that I used to be able to do with Microstation without effort, but when I raised the subject with Graphisoft, I was told that I was a lone voice and nobody else has wanted/needed this - are they correct?
You can place as a hotlink and mirror it as you place it.
Or maybe you could model an entire reversed model as a design option and choose that as you place it.
Thanks Barry, but you miss my point entirely.
Of course a hotlink model can be handed but I want to be able to produce handed construction drawings.
At present there is no facility to create these without creating a file, hotlinking in the original file and mirroring it, which works for the model and all plan information, but falls on its snout with the section.
Archicad should have ability to simply print off a handed version of the construction drawings - it would save those of us involved in large multi unit schemes a fortune in time spent on CAD.