Creating wall openings as windows is not the easiest or fastest way to make design experiments with wall openings.
For non-critical work, using an SEO combined with a Complex Profile Beam is faster and more adaptable to play and study than a fully-developed window object with WALLHOLE script.
For experimenting, I'd be taking any given wall intended to receive openings and place a matching glass wall within it.
Then I'd place a custom profile beam within the wall [perpendicular to it].
The custom profile can be any shape, but it is best merely to define your opening frame as in the illustration attached.
The beam is the operator on the main wall in the Solid Element Operation [SEO]. The glass wall is revealed. Don't make the beam a wireframe layer - keep it solid to show the window frame.
SEO works to the extent of the shape, so the entire hole is cut out.
When you edit the complex profile shape, the opening updates accordingly.
Dwight Atkinson