2024-06-26 01:42 PM
Hello everyone.
I'm pretty new to python, but I've managed to make a few scripts.
I am working on a script with a graphical interface, and I would like to be able to propose to select a classification in a Tkinter treeview style interface (keep the hierarchical system).
I've managed to retrieve the first and second levels of classifications, but my system is pretty basic in terms of code: I don't know, for example, how to find out the depth of the list retrieved by archicad.
Basically: how can I retrieve a hierarchical list with only the classification names?
My attempt (for the first and second levels):
from archicad import ACConnection
conn = ACConnection.connect()
acc = conn.commands
act = conn.types
acu = conn.utilities
chooseClassification = acc.GetAllClassificationSystems()
classifications = acc.GetAllClassificationsInSystem(
nbEnfants =0
nbEnfants2 =0
for classification in classifications:
print(" "+classification.classificationItem.id + " " +
str(len(classification.classificationItem.children))+" children")
nbEnfants +=len(classification.classificationItem.children)
for subelements in classification.classificationItem.children:
print(" " + subelements.classificationItem.id + " " +
str(len(subelements.classificationItem.children))+" children")
nbEnfants2 +=len(subelements.classificationItem.children)
except TypeError:
print(" " + subelements.classificationItem.id)
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-06-27 07:36 AM
Not sure I can be of any help --But to retrieve the Classifications tree you need to use recursion. i wrote a classification interface for grasshopper which uses the Json interface and not the built in Python interface. Attached is a Demo Script - You would have to translate to the native Python interface which does not need Json.
Note that the two native classifications in Archicad use different Ids and naming convention. i assume you are interested in the Graphisoft default.
import json
import urllib.request as rb
#request = rb.Request('http://localhost:19723')
request = 'http://localhost:19723'
response = rb.urlopen(request,json.dumps({"command":"API.GetAllClassificationSystems"}).encode('UTF-8'))
results = json.loads(response.read())
result = results['result']['classificationSystems'][0]['classificationSystemId']['guid']
response = rb.urlopen(request,json.dumps({"command":"API.GetAllClassificationsInSystem",
"parameters": {"classificationSystemId": {"guid": result }}}).encode('UTF-8'))
results = json.loads(response.read())
seed =results['result']['classificationItems']
output = []
level = 0
def get_ids(seed,kids = 0 ):
global level
level += 1
for item in seed:
output.append( ' '*(level-1) + item['classificationItem']['id'])
if kids >0:
kids -= 1
if 'children' in item['classificationItem'].keys():
depth = len(item['classificationItem']['children'])
get_ids(item['classificationItem']['children'], kids = depth)
if kids == 0:
pass # Debug only
level -= 1
get_ids(seed, kids = 0 )
for x in output:
2024-06-27 07:36 AM
Not sure I can be of any help --But to retrieve the Classifications tree you need to use recursion. i wrote a classification interface for grasshopper which uses the Json interface and not the built in Python interface. Attached is a Demo Script - You would have to translate to the native Python interface which does not need Json.
Note that the two native classifications in Archicad use different Ids and naming convention. i assume you are interested in the Graphisoft default.
import json
import urllib.request as rb
#request = rb.Request('http://localhost:19723')
request = 'http://localhost:19723'
response = rb.urlopen(request,json.dumps({"command":"API.GetAllClassificationSystems"}).encode('UTF-8'))
results = json.loads(response.read())
result = results['result']['classificationSystems'][0]['classificationSystemId']['guid']
response = rb.urlopen(request,json.dumps({"command":"API.GetAllClassificationsInSystem",
"parameters": {"classificationSystemId": {"guid": result }}}).encode('UTF-8'))
results = json.loads(response.read())
seed =results['result']['classificationItems']
output = []
level = 0
def get_ids(seed,kids = 0 ):
global level
level += 1
for item in seed:
output.append( ' '*(level-1) + item['classificationItem']['id'])
if kids >0:
kids -= 1
if 'children' in item['classificationItem'].keys():
depth = len(item['classificationItem']['children'])
get_ids(item['classificationItem']['children'], kids = depth)
if kids == 0:
pass # Debug only
level -= 1
get_ids(seed, kids = 0 )
for x in output:
2024-07-01 11:09 AM
It worked well, thanks a lot!
here is my code (it's not clean, but it seems to work!)
from archicad import ACConnection
conn = ACConnection.connect()
acc = conn.commands
act = conn.types
acu = conn.utilities
chooseClassification = acc.GetAllClassificationSystems()
classifications = acc.GetAllClassificationsInSystem(
seed = classifications
output = []
level = 0
def get_ids(seed, kids=0):
global level
level += 1
for item in seed:
output.append(' '*(level-1) +
item.classificationItem.id + " (level " + str(level) + ")")
if kids > 0:
kids -= 1
except TypeError:
pass # Debug only
level -= 1
get_ids(seed, kids=0)
for x in output: