2008-10-18 02:45 AM
2008-10-20 11:27 PM
2008-10-21 02:44 AM
Wokka wrote:Warwick, thx for your reply. Just tried the plugin again w/AC11 and C4D10.5...it definitely gives me all the polys I could want So far we've not switched to AC12 as we're still having problems with the 3D Profiler for AC12...personally I wish 3DProfiler would just go away if GS can't bring it into the heart of the program. I would rather do about 90% of the model in AC with native commands and do the rest for construction docs in 2D like the old days, and then finish the model in C4D for final presentation. Since I've been leaning much more to using Maxwell than VRayforC4D (which I may see if they will let me sell), I think that probably the OBJ export with materials works the best as it will be a lot easier to assign Maxwell materials that way. I will just have to clean up my AC material model assignments some before exporting to C4D. Per your comment the split command works fine for a single poly at a time or a group of polys that will be split as a group and not as a collection of individual polys, which is more what I was hoping for.
That's exackly what the exchange plugin does but only available on ArchiCad 11. The new plugin will probably be out before R13 if we're lucky Regarding C4D, if your in polygon mode, you can select groups of polygons and use the 'split' command.
2008-10-21 01:38 PM
2008-10-21 03:19 PM
2008-11-15 10:10 AM
2008-11-15 04:52 PM
2008-11-15 05:30 PM
2008-11-15 05:50 PM
2008-11-15 07:25 PM