About Archicad's documenting tools, views, model filtering, layouts, publishing, etc.

Schedules disappearing off sheets


I've got views of schedules on sheets that keep disappearing. The only way I can get them back is to put them on them sheet again. They have been manually resized but this shouldn't be an issue right?  How can I stop this from happening? 

AC26 | Win11 | 64 bit | 32Gb RAM | Intel i9-9900K @ 3.60GHz

Hi. Are you inserting your schedules from the view map or the project map?


 view map

AC26 | Win11 | 64 bit | 32Gb RAM | Intel i9-9900K @ 3.60GHz

Check that the Layer that you used when placing the Schedule View is visible in the Layout. Unfortunately Layouts only have one (unsaved) Layer configuration, so changing the displayed Layout layers may have unseen consequences. For this reason some users prefer to place everything on the Layout Sheet Master and added to the Layout e.g. Placed Views on the Archicad Layer which is never turned off. There is an also a bug where switching between Views & Layouts can result in transfer of the View layers to individual Layouts resulting in items not being displayed.


Go to the Navigator, list your Sheets/Layouts, go to the relevant Layout and click on the arrow immediately to the left of the Layout name to expose the contents of the layout. Is the schedule view listed or is it missing? If it is there but not displayed then it is likely simply a layer setting problem.


If the View has been definitely placed and it keeps going missing from the Navigator list it may be a bug that you should report to your local support.


Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)

The view is placed on the archicad layer so that shouldn;t be an issue right? 

I have resaved the view and deleted the old one... we'll see if this does anything 

AC26 | Win11 | 64 bit | 32Gb RAM | Intel i9-9900K @ 3.60GHz