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MEP Modeler 26 Creates Default Transformer Settings


When I updated to Archicad 26 the MEP Routing palette began creating duct transition objects between "Duct Wye 26 objects". The default length of these transitions is 3'-3 3/8".  Each of these transitions is classified as a "Duct Transformer 26" object. I like the feature of adding a transition when MEP objects don't have the same circumference, but I would like to edit the default length of this transition because 3'3 3/8" is far too long. 

Attached are two images depicting the issue. One shows the route of the duct after starting routing with the MEP Routing palette but before clicking on the second Wye duct. The second image depicts the end product after clicking on the second Wye duct. Any information would be very appreciated. 

Duct Connection Issue.pngDuct Connection Issue 2.png