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Custom 2D Details for Archicad Windows

Note: This article was originally published on AsiaBIM and was written for Archicad 21 mainly for architects working on the Singaporean market.Some users like to have their own 2D representations created with lines and fills for the default window wi...

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Frameless Corner Windows

One kind of a recurring issue is how to create the frameless corner windows, using just a mitered glass connection as below: Switching to the Custom Corner… tab page of the Window settings however doesn’t allow us to choose Glass, but Frame or Corner...

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How To Create a Frameless Corner Window

You can easily create frameless corner windows in ARCHICAD the way described below: You can use the simple Window Tool instead of the Corner Window Tool, however not all Window objects are suitable for this. In this example I used the Horizontal Mult...

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How to Place Doors and Windows in ARCHICAD 17

The principles of the door and window placement The placement of openings is still done with two clicks: The first click for the longitudinal positioning in the wall and also for the determination of the reveal side. The second click for the opening ...

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How to create Custom Window

In ARCHICAD, it is possible to save elements created on the Floor Plan as GDL files, so that they become a new Object, Door or Window or custom components of existing GDL Library Parts. Saving structural elements as Library Parts can be a very useful...

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