Parametric design
About Rhino & Grasshopper and PARAM-O.

Lamps in the Grasshopper Connection


Hi, I've been systematically converting our template to make use of Grasshopper, to speed up the drawing process. Since we do 400ish custom homes per year, cutting out a lot of the grunt work will make a huge difference.

I just noticed as I'm beginning to adapt electrical layouts (which we have a set number per zone type) there's no option for Lamps. Why is that? Did I miss something? 


My use case would be filling a room with LED downlights, using Deconstruct Zone, Areas/centroids/boundaries and offsets.

Surely big commercial projects use this? or make fancy parametric lighting facades with schedulable Lamps? No?


I also noticed the newer "Equipment" category is missing also, when can we expect to see these items added, there is nothing on the roadmap? 





Operating system used: Windows 11

Versions 10 to forced subscription
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