The 3d view for both my window and door legends will not show up. I have played with all renovation filters, MVO, and graphic overrides. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Archicad 26. I have deleted all of my old cache. I have attempted download and then reopen the project in AC27. I have reserved all, unlocked all. They still will not show. Nothing seems to work. They are scheduling, as you can see, but no 3d view that I have tried from the schedule scheme settings will appear. My collogue is working on this project in Teamwork with me and they appear on his screen. It is saved as a view in the view map and will appear correctly on his screen, so It would not make sense to me that it is a filtering issue. I am at a loss. This was the out of the box Archicad 26 'Window Legend' schedule. I did not adjust anything until I noticed they were not displaying the elevations. I then started trying to add ANY other 3d view that might work. Nothing has worked.

Operating system used: Windows 10 Pro