Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Project data & BIM

Read articles about BIM-based management of attributes, schedules, templates, favorites, hotlinks, projects in general, quality assurance, etc.


Archicad Template Types

Note Starting with Archicad 28, the Built-in (OFFLINE) Template is a direct translation or copy of the International (INT) template, available in all regions. This means that unless you use a localized Online Template, you will be working with a temp...


Improved Project Management

Continuing our focus on enhancing project manageability, Archicad 27 includes highly requested additions to the attribute management workflow. This update helps increase the efficiency of design teams, by letting more attributes be organized using a ...

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Occupancy Design Validation with Expressions

A new feature of ARCHICAD 22 helps to turn the raw data into meaningful and valuable information. The expression-based properties process model data with functions and operators to produce new information which was not available directly in ARCHICAD....

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Scheduling Formwork Quantities

Archicad has two great features which can greatly help contractors with listing formwork quantities more precisely than ever – and faster too First we will dedicate a Surface to represent formwork materials, then list the surface areas. This has been...

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Element Previews in Schedules

From ARCHICAD 20 on the Interactive Schedule includes fields for graphic previews (2D and/or 3D) of any construction element ‐ not just Library Parts. The preview, a simplified thumbnail, is helpful in describing construction typologies within the pr...

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mtron Graphisoft | Graphisoft

Expression-based properties FAQ

Expression-based properties have been introduced as one of the main new features in ARCHICAD 22 to help designers in creating data-rich building models. Expressions process existing model data with functions and operators to create new information. F...

Zone Areas and Volumes

Zone area and volume calculations may seem to be tricky sometimes when you can’t track which areas are calculated exactly and how. In the following I will try to clarify the differences between the area types and why they may or may not show up when ...

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EcoDesigner STAR

Table of Content AvailabilityFrom BIM (Building Information Model) to BEM (Building Energy Model) directlyEcoDesigner STAR workflowEvaluation for any climate or locationEcoDesigner STAR feature highlightsMultiple Thermal BlocksThermal Bridge simulati...

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Replacing missing fonts between Macintosh and Windows

Architects who cooperate with colleagues working on a different platform than they work on can sometimes experince the problem of missing fonts. Let's see what you need to do to overcome this issue. The file named XreadCfg.txt that is located in the ...

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Converting old Archicad Files

You can choose from the below listed Archicad File converters to convert your Archicad files to a format which is supported by current Archicad versions. The latest Archicad File converters can be find on Graphisoft.com. You can also find the FAQ on ...

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Accurate Schedules and Quantity Takeoffs with Archicad

Archicad 25 introduces new properties for more accurate component Lists. You could schedule only the net value of component areas and component volumes in earlier versions: the holes were always subtracted. As of AC25, new "gross" and "conditional" a...

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Hotlinked Modules

ARCHICAD provides two basic methods for sharing/dividing BIM project data among a team of architects: Teamwork method for sharing projects, Hotlink method for dividing complex projects into smaller parts. These two methods are most effectively used i...

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Search in the Navigator

Scroll to find a specific Navigator item Nowadays, a project can have hundreds of sections, elevations, details, 3D views, and layouts – all listed in the Navigator. With the increasing complexity and size of projects, it is becoming time-consuming t...

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Data Safety, File Recovery and Troubleshooting

Archicad usually got you covered by sophisticated solutions in case of a crash, apparent data loss or file damage, but sometimes manual recovery or troubleshooting might be needed. The following post collects the backup and recovery options and the l...

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Quick Tip for Publishing Hotlinks in Large Projects

Just recently came across this issue that unit modules were meant to be linked into a block file, but due to the large amount of small variations within the units, the designers wanted to have a base module to link into the unit file as well, such as...


Archicad as a Coordination Tool

Every now and then the question arises: how to use Archicad as a coordination tool. There are multiple workflows in which you can differentiate and compare the models of different disciplines. Let’s take a look at the following model where architectu...

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Migrating Classifications

There are a lot of cases – even if it is not entirely intentional when you migrate projects. This happens when content made in an earlier version of Archicad is opened in a newer version. These scenarios can include: simple copy-paste from your old p...

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Multiple Area Units in Zone Stamps

I initially wanted to include three topics in one post, then I realized it would be easier to find them later if they were broken down into shorter parts, though they could be related as well. Let’s start with displaying different area units in Zone ...

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Using Geometry Information as Scheduling Criteria

This is to follow up the post earlier on Multiple Area Units in Zone Stamps and take the next step after converting the area units – it is going to be a very short one As you have seen in that post, we converted the area to a different unit than the ...

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Schedules with Zero Values

Archicad Schedules can only list existing elements by default, but we can use a bit of a trick to go around this behaviour and list what is not really there as well. This is needed sometimes when the user wants to create a schematic section for examp...

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Polygon Reduction in Archicad

If your model is feeling laggy or sluggish, especially in 3D, it may be due to a high number of polygons in the model and on-screen. For example, when navigating in 3D, there is a drop of frames (image stutters).This article can help you to identify,...

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How to prepare the BIM model for the Energy Evaluation

Archicad models have to be prepared to be able to run precise energy simulations in Energy Evaluation or in EcoDesigner Star. The more precise the model, the more precise the energy calculation you get. Geometry, Building Materials, and Priority Base...

Energy Evaluation

BIM-integrated Sustainable Design Archicad’s improved Energy Evaluation engine supports multiple thermal blocks. This allows users to evaluate their designs with standard-compliant technology and makes Archicad the “greenest” BIM solution available o...

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Scheduling Doors by Zone

ARCHICAD allows users to schedule their doors by zone. Please follow the steps below to learn how to setup a door schedule and how to change the zone a door belongs to. Create a Door Schedule In this example we will only be setting up a schedule that...

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How to transfer Attributes in ARCHICAD

ARCHICAD allows us to transfer attributes between projects. For that you need to use the Attribute Manager’s Import function. You can import the attributes from .pln and .pla files or .tpl and .xml files, and still .aat file format is supported in or...

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Archicad 25 sudden file size increase

With Archicad 25 Graphisoft has implemented many exiting new features and improvements. For more information please visit this page . Symptoms At the same time the released Archicad 25 3002 build has raised an issue (DEF-6049), some projects might su...

Far From Origin - Troubleshooting Guide

About origins in Archicad Why can projects be located far from the origin?Potential issuesTypical visible signsHow offsetting worksCheck your projectFix your projectRelocate projects placed far from the Project OriginA worksheet is far from the origi...

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mtron Graphisoft | Graphisoft

How to set a path that works on both Windows and macOS

In a collaboration environment, it is a common issue that in a project, if you set a file path (e.g. for publishing) to a network location on Windows, it may not work when opening the project on macOS or vice versa. You will need to re-enter the path...

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Freeze - Troubleshooting Guide

A "freeze" or "hang" is the state of the program when it does not respond to the operating system. A situation when Archicad does not respond to user actions (You see the hourglass on PC or the beachball on Mac ) does not necessarily mean it's frozen...

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How to optimize a project's file size

Although a project's performance is the most important, sometimes the large size of a file can be a problem. This article helps you learn what data is stored in a file and how to achieve a balanced BIM project that does not occupy more storage space ...

Python Connection in Archicad

If you've ever spent hours doing repetitive tasks - like assigning numbers to parking spaces one-by-one, finding any unused items in the View Map, or editing each element ID due to multiplying - you know how tedious and error-prone these tasks can be...

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Issue Management and Model Comparison Improvements

Archicad 24 Update 2 brought a few improvements in the area of issue management and handling changes in the project. Read this article to learn the details. Custom Defined Issue Tag: Type Categorize your issues by Type. Applying the Type tag to the i...

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How to Optimize Your Project Performance

As projects evolve, they naturally become more and more complex and detailed. Also approaching deadlines might shift the focus from precise modeling to getting the job done. These might result in heavier files than necessary, that can slow down your ...

File Damage or Corruption - Troubleshooting Guide

Possible issues of file corruptions When opening Archicad project files, you might experience that the file is not opened correctly. In some cases the file will not open, in other cases the file opens but some or all of the content is missing. Here a...

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mtron Graphisoft | Graphisoft

Issue Management in Archicad and Other Applications

Archicad offers solutions for creating, tracking and handling issues, providing a solid platform for proper issue management during the architectural design process. Archicad's Issue Management functionality supports an extensive collaborative workfl...

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Issue Management in Archicad

One ongoing task of a lead architect or project manager is to ensure that errors, problems, and issues found during the design process are managed and resolved. The number of issues arising during an average project can be large, and resolving and tr...

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BIMcloud as a Project Coordination Platform

As the world of AEC has become more deeply interconnected, so have the different disciplines with their myriad of various platforms, software tools and file types. In times of a digital transformation, it’s great to see these all converging into one ...


Model Checking in Archicad

It is essential to find modeling errors in architectural models and correct them before sending them to structural engineers or other stakeholders. The effectivity of the coordination between disciplines largely depends on the quality of the model. A...

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Model Comparison, Visualizing Model Changes

Building Information Models continuously change during the various phases of design and documentation. Keeping track of changes made by all the members of the team is very important and can be challenging. Archicad's Model Compare lets you compare tw...

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Project and File Management on BIMcloud

BIMcloud (from version 2020.2) is a multi-disciplinary model hub, able to host all file formats* coming from various collaboration tools and accessible by all project stakeholders. All files are managed with the help of the BIMcloud Project and Teams...

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How to Transfer External Links with Your Project

If you are planning to work on your project from home or a different office, or you need to move it to a different server or BIMcloud, you will also need to consider all the external files you have been using with your project that are not included i...


Archicad FastLogger Files

What is the FastLogger folder? FastLogger is a folder created by Archicad and related tools, in which binary log files are written while the program is running, in order to help with troubleshooting. The size of the folder will be a maximum of 100 MB...

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mtron Graphisoft | Graphisoft

Migrating a Project Using the Archicad 10 File Converter

The ArchiCAD 10 file converter allows users to migrate their files versions 6.5, 7 and 8 to ARCHICAD 10. This file can then be opened in the current version of the software. If you have already installed the ARCHICAD 10 file converter please navigate...

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Project Migration Overview

File Compatibility • ARCHICAD 27 and newer versions can open PLN files back to version 17. • ARCHICAD 26 and earlier versions can open PLN files back to version 8.1. • ARCHICAD 6.5, 7.0 and 8.0 files may be opened in the ARCHICAD 10 file converter. O...

Adding Zones to a Thermal Block

Things to Remember Before Starting Zones are only visible in 3D if they are enabled in the Filter and Cut Elements in 3D dialogue box. It's a good idea to save a 3D view specifically for use with energy evaluation. This view should show all parts of ...

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Creating Thermal Blocks for Energy Evaluation

If you don't know yet how to prepare the BIM model for the Energy Evaluation, take a look at the checklist here. Before running an energy evaluation of your project file, Thermal Blocks must be created. All Thermal Blocks have an assigned Operation P...

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Creating an Operation Profile

Operation Profiles is an ArchiCAD attribute that can be assigned to a Thermal Block. Each profile is associated with a daily schedule that includes required internal temperature range, human heat gain, hot water needs and humidity loads. Follow the s...

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New and Reset All

The New and Reset all command is a useful way to troubleshoot minor issues you may be experiencing in ArchiCAD. Important! - Preparation 1. Save your open project(s). 2. Store and export your current Work Environment. Steps 1. In ArchiCAD, hold down ...

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Preferences Cleaning with Preparatory Steps

Archicad saves ‘Preferences’ and ‘Work Environment’ files on your computer to ensure you find your own customized environment next time you start Archicad. In rare cases these files can become corrupt, leading to issues within the program. In such ca...

Using Graphic Overrides for Project Auditing

Graphic Overrides provide users with a tool to highlight and visualize a project and they are also a fantastic way to audit a file. They can be used to identify code issues, elements placed incorrectly, static dimensions and many other issues. Below ...

Using Graphic Overrides to Check Element Layer

During the the course of a project elements can be placed on the wrong layer. When this happens, drawings, schedules and other areas of the project can be affected. Follow the steps below to use Graphic Overrides to locate elements on the wrong layer...

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Using Graphic Overrides to Check Element Position

During the IFC collaboration it is important to set element position to either Exterior or Interior. Follow the steps below to use Graphic Overrides to see how elements are assigned. 1. Go to Document > Graphic Overrides > Graphic Override Combinatio...

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Using Graphic Overrides to Locate Static Dimensions

During the course of a project dimensions that were once associative can be turned static. Whether this is intentional or accidental, it is important to keep track of values that no longer reflect changes in the model. Follow the steps below to use G...

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Optimizing Mesh Performance

Factors that Affect Performance The mesh tool is great way to create topographic volumes within a project. It can also hinder performance if used incorrectly. Meshes that are overly complex take much longer to regenerate due to the number of polygons...

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Exporting, Storing & Restoring Your Work Environment

Store & Export Your Work Environment If you ever uninstall ARCHICAD or apply another Work Environment Profile there is a chance you could lose your custom settings unless you have stored and exported them. Follow these steps to make sure you have cem...

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3D Navigation - Incremental Drawing

What is Incremental Drawing? If the speed of the 3D-explore falls below a predetermined value, ARCHICAD starts to leave out elements during the navigation. It continues until the speed reaches again the desired one. It eventuates working faster with ...

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Elements are disappearing during 3D navigation

Affected version: 22 | Severity: workaround applicable | ID: 243380 Issue During navigation in 3D with ARCHICAD 22, some elements can disappear temporarily. It can be experienced that opening the same project with ARCHICAD 21 and 22 on the same compu...

Element Previews do not work in Schedule Headlines

Affected versions: ARCHICAD 27and older | Severity: workaround applicable | ID: 140886 Issue: If the first row(s) or column(s) of an Interactive Schedule display element previews (such as 2D Plan Preview, 2D Cross Section Preview, 3D Axonometry or a ...

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Story management of Hotlinked modules

At Elements' Elevation you can choose out of two options: 1. Adjust Elevation to Story Structure of Host Project choosing Adjust Elevation to Story Structure of Host Project will place the elements of the source file according to the Stories of the h...

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Attribute Management of Hotlinks

General Attribute management concepts When hotlinking a Module file into another file, the necessary, but not all attributes (layers, line types, complex profiles, etc...) of the source file will be appended to the attributes of the host file. This m...


Tips to Keep Your Projects Tidy

The more Attributes are collected in a Project, the more difficult it becomes to work with. Lots of Layers, unused Fills, Line types can slow your work down as you might spend too much time selecting attributes you want to use from their lists. Some ...

How to clean up Attributes in Archicad?

Line and Fill Normalization Several Archicad features involve the creation of “exploded” elements. Model-based Details, Worksheets and Drawing Sections create 2D elements (lines, fills) out of the model construction elements. Also, imported DWG drawi...

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Intersections in Layer Combinations Add-On

In ARCHICAD 8 and subsequent versions, intersection cleanup is linked to the Intersection Group Numbers assigned to layers. Elements which belong to layers having the same Intersection Group Number will intersect, regardless of layer visibility. Elem...

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RAL Color System Add-On

RAL Colour Standards are developed and controlled by the German Institute of Quality Assurance and Trademark Control. The 194 classical shades (RAL 840-HR) and the RAL Design System with its 1688 colors are both well known in a number of industries, ...

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Polygon Counting Tool Add-On (PolyCount)

PolyCount is an ARCHICAD add-on that helps you control the number of 3D polygons in your ARCHICAD models. This tool can be used effectively if the project size or the limited physical memory of your computer makes the 3D model size a critical factor ...

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Check Duplicates Add-On

This ARCHICAD Add-On can find, select, or delete items sharing the same parameters (type, color, thickness, height, etc...) and occupying the same spot on the floor plan. Unwanted doubles are typically created by either accidentally double-clicking a...

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Construction Simulation Add-On

In previous versions, the set of commands will appear in the Document/Schedules and Lists/Construction Simulation submenu by default. Since AC20 you can find it under Document/Listing Extras/Construction Simulation. The commands of the Construction S...

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Tips to use the Project Information

Introduction During the lifetime of a project it is essential to manage project related information such as the exact name, address and contact info of the architect, those of the client, location of the building site, etc. These are important in sev...

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Why Dimensions and Zones can't be part of a group

You have probably noticed that Dimensions and Zones can't be part of a group but you were wondering why. This is because these elements almost always have relation to other elements (dimensions belong to walls or other elements, zones are relative to...

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Polygon Counting Tool

The complexity of a plan, especially the 3D model mainly depends on how many polygons it contains. Polygons are the most basic 2 dimensional plain geometric elements that form the 3D model. Polygon Counting Tool is an ARCHICAD add-on that helps you c...

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AutoSave Files

The Autosave function controls a number of options protecting you against losing work in case of a program or system crash, power outage or sudden termination of the program. If you are experiencing one of these, then the next time you launch ARCHICA...

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mtron Graphisoft | Graphisoft

How to Transfer Projects to Another Computer

This article discusses the process of transferring the ARCHICAD Projects, Libraries, Images, Linked Files from one computer to another. Step 1: Export Projects, Library Items and Drawing Files To ease your further work with ARCHICAD projects on anoth...

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ARCHICAD 20 - Using Favorites in the Toolbox

More information: http://archicad.com/ This video clip explains how Favorites are used in the Toolbox in ARCHICAD 20. Graphical Favorites can now be applied directly from the Toolbox in ARCHICAD 20.Free ARCHICAD Download: http://www.graphisoft.com/do...

Quick Menu Item Access on Mac

On Macs running Snow Leopard (10.6) and newer there is an awesome search field in the menu bar. If you cannot remember where a menu item is located in the menu structure, you can use this search field to quickly access the command. You can either per...

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Global Settings Affecting Zone Data and Display

Options->Project Preferences->Zones Dialog Zone Instance Setting affecting Zone Data Zone Settings Dialog –> Name and Positioning panel Zone Settings->Area Calculation panel Other Element’s Instance Setting affecting Zone Data Wall Settings Dialog->G...

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Scheduling Component Data of Complex Profile Structures

Interactive Schedules allow you to list the individual components of Composite and Complex Profile structures. When creating a new Interactive Schedule scheme, you can select whether the scheme should list information on Construction Elements, Compon...

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How to list the Wall Surface

In ARCHICAD listing/scheduling the Wall Surface is not possible if the Zone's body was modified with a Solid Element Operation. Until the correction is implemented there is a possible workaround. Basic idea Instead of the Zone we will list a Morph, c...

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Tab Based Navigation - Troubleshooting Guide

This Troubleshooting guide will show you the new special functions of the Tab Based Navigation. If you want to learn how this Navigation works detailed please go to the ARCHICAD Reference Guide Tab Bar section. As of ARCHICAD 20, when you switch betw...

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mtron Graphisoft | Graphisoft