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Adjust Whole Mesh Contours in 3D

Not applicable
The topic title pretty much says it. I would like a pet palette function in 3D mesh editing that would allow raising and lowering the whole contour line rather than having to go point by point. This would be so much quicker than typing into the dialog box in plan.
You can do it already...
By clicking on contour linr segment not point...and selecting "apply to all"
(this all menas all on the single contour)
Can be done in 2d window.

Best Regards,
Eduardo Rolon
Piotr, the wish is to be able to do "Apply to All" in the 3D Window in addition to the 2D Window.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC27 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

Sorry..i missed the part on 3d ;(