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Auto favorite loading

Rick Thompson
I would like to see greater control over the favorites loading. I have one developed favorite list "myfav" I want all my open files to have available, but it only loads the list as it was when that file was last manually loaded. So, when I add a few new favorites, I have to manually tell it to reload the same favorite file again in each file I want to use the new settings in (and I want those available in every file I open). Since we can have many named favorite files, why is this necessary? It would be much better to have it load the latest version, of that name, by default. If there is someone who likes it the way it is, set it as a work environment option. I assume the loaded favorite version is actually stored in the project file (why????), but it seems in this modern computer age, this wish could be fulfilled rather easily.

thank you GS
Rick Thompson
Mac Sonoma AC 26
Mac M2 studio w/ display
Not applicable
Lets put some type of folder structure in as well while your at it. And most important of all there needs to some sort of ability built in that deals with transitions from one version to the next.
This is a very good idea. It needs to be able to 'know' when you have updated the favorites. I like to manage campus projects with multiple buildings using favorites to keep everyone on the same page. And it does get frustrating to have to tell people to 'load' the new favorite and search, etc. It requires more management time.

To add to this Favorites wish list:

1. Some type of graphic display for the Favorites:
Wall Composite - Plan View Segment
Object - Plan View Symbol
Door/Window - Elevation View
Lines - Linetype Preview (Kind of already happens in info palette)
Keynotes - Symbol with Pen Color/Font/Frames/etc

2. A way of have Favorite Groups instead of just the simple 'sort by type' (which is totally awesome, don't get me wrong) would allow you to have an Annotation Group, Modeling Group, Layouting Group, etc.
It could work in a simlar that the Layer and Layer Combos work.
A list of Favorites on one side and then you would assign the Favorites to a group.
If no group is selected then all appear in the favorites palette.

3. A new feature for 'Master Favorites' these favorites would actually remember each instance of the placed favorite and then when the 'Master Favorite' was updated you could tell it to update all instances of that favorite.
-I like to do this custom gdl objects like doors/windows. When you make aminor change to part and replace in the library every instance of that object updates to the settings. This method is extremely powerful for managing multiple building files in one project with shared libraries. How awesome would it be if that power were added to the average user!
matt johnson
archicad since 2004
imac 27, 4.2 GHz Intel i7, 16 GB RAM, radeon 575 4 GB, macOS 10.14.6
imac, 4.0ghz i7, 16gb ram, Radeon M9 390 2GB, OS X El Capitan