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Dialog behaviour..

Not applicable
There has to be a way to not have to close a settings window before it updates my drawing.. I am Ctrl-Teeing to death.. There should be an "apply" button or just expand the info box?. Same for most other settings dialogs.. Maybe this is already done in V9??
Rashid wrote:
There has to be a way to not have to close a settings window before it updates my drawing.. I am Ctrl-Teeing to death.. There should be an "apply" button or just expand the info box?. Same for most other settings dialogs.. Maybe this is already done in V9??
there's no way of updating your project without closing the settings dialogue altogether. but what's wrong with the info box? doesn't that do what you want? you can always expand and modify it yourself to show the settings you need most for each element . . .

as for 9: this process has been made more efficient. the info box now scrolls (mouse wheel) so there is no need to make the info box extra-large to fit it all in . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
oops . i clicked the 'not needed' option and really didn't mean to! sorry rashid!

i do think that a combined settings/info box that works with us (kind of like the autocad 2004 (5?) fly-out settings) would be more benefitial in the long run . . .

any chance of changing my vote to (3 - average) powers that be?

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable

The info box is great.. But I am new to AC and may be setting Library part settings for quite a while.. It is the settings here that the info box does not have that I am tweaking a lot before the part becomes a favorite....

Ctrl-T.. adjust setting, go back to drawing.. not exactly what I wanted...
Ctrl-T.. adjust setting, go back to drawing.. not exactly what I wanted...
Ctrl-T.. adjust setting, go back to drawing.. not exactly what I wanted...
Ctrl-T.. adjust setting, go back to drawing.. not exactly what I wanted...

YES, all the settings should be in an "advanced" part of the info box.. including the Library browser..?

PS.. can I count on your vote next time?
Rashid wrote:
But I am new to AC and may be setting Library part settings for quite a while.. It is the settings here that the info box does not have that I am tweaking a lot before the part becomes a favorite....
yep. OK. i take your point!

what i would like to see happen is a king of 'mouseover'-like event whereby when you have an element selected and move your mouse over that element's tool, the full settings dialogue that you get in the tool itself flys out for editing

this would leave way for getting rid of the info box and replacing it with a rehashed 'element information' box for quick reference whilst working. this would allow editing of things like lengths (wall/line/etc..) and basic geometric information that doesn't form a part of the tool settings.

what do you think?
PS.. can I count on your vote next time?
sure. sorry about that. it was a genuine mistake . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable

What do I think? I was thinking too small! That would be glorious if possible.. as long as the flyout occurs in a fixed, dockable place as it would be quite large..
Rashid wrote:
.. as long as the flyout occurs in a fixed, dockable place as it would be quite large..
of course . . . and you would still have the drop-down sections of the tool box to control the amount of information that it displays.

i think that it would also have to combine with an 'apply' button as you suggest to make life a bit easier.

i also think that the way parameters are displayed in the settings dialogues needs an overhaul as well. i personally get fed up with expanding all of the headings to find what i need.

i'll keep thinking and try and sketch something out . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup

I'm doing it. I'm bumping an 18 year-old thread. Apply Button, please.