Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Dimension Precision Based on Scale

Not applicable
Maybe there is way to do this and I just haven't found it yet.
I would like to be able to set the precision of my dimensions dependent on the scale of the plan, section, or detail I am in. Floor plans at 1/8" or 1/4" scale could be rounded off to the nearest 1/2", sections that are between 1/2" & 1" scale round to 1/4", and details that are 1-1/2" or 3" scale round to the nearest 1/8". The only way I've found so far is to set my roundoff for the entire project to 1/2" and then go into my sections and details and manually change the dimension text to reflect the higher precision. Autocad did this with separate dimension styles but I think it would be simple for Archicad to base it on the scale of the drawing you're in and take care of the roundoff automatically.
There is not a direct setting to tie dimension settings to scale, but you can save dimension settings in your Views so that each View has a different dimensional rounding setting.

This way when you switch from a 1/8" plan to a 1" detail, the dimension settings can change at the same time.
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
Aaarrgh why didn't I see that before. I need more caffeine. I still think it would be an improvement to have the option to tie the roundoff to the dimension scale just so Archicad can have some more bragging rights over Autocad.