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Doors and window at connecting Walls

Not applicable
I would be pleased to have doors and windows in ArchiCAD, that can be placed at the connection point of walls...
Why would you not just place that as one wall? Is there some situation where this happens, like a door spans two wall types?
Tom Waltz
TomWaltz wrote:
Why would you not just place that as one wall? Is there some situation where this happens, like a door spans two wall types?
i have it happen occasionally too. it would be nice if WALLHOLEs were spatially aware rather than having it tied to a particular wall reference line. and taking it one step further: WALLHOLE could become simply HOLE and used for other elements that need to make an automatic spatial cut upon placement. stairs for example . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
Agreed. You'd think with windows and doors now able to be copied from one wall to another in 3d (as long as their wall references are in the same plane) that this wouldn't be hard to implement... Please. Just working on a situation where this would be handy in the vertical plane too.