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Filter Favorites tool box

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When having the Favorites toolbox open, and i select one tool (say the wall tool) the list should be filtered to show ONLY wall entries.
When the arrow tool is selected all entries should be visible.
Filtering is nececcery when i have many many favorite entries
Ben Odonnell
Check out my comment in this thread

Ben O'Donnell
Architect and CTO at BIMobject®
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Nice pic

The only drawback i see compared to filtering is that you have to do more clicks expanding and collapsing the tree structure.

Auto filtering will result in ONE_CLICK selection proccess.
Select the tool then the favorites list has only relevant entries.

BUT the tree organisation is great when you are in the proccess of CREATING the favorites.

Of course excelling favorites to dynamic style tools has been discussed and wished multiple times (this is actually one of my most wanted features)
Ben Odonnell
Thank you
I totally agree with what you are saying, but, if you have more than one wall definition, usually in a project up to 30 or 40 different wall types, depending on the size of the project of course.

What would be an appropriate way of defining what the favorite pallet should show? Don't you think it would be acceptable to be able to split them up into different folders?

Ben O'Donnell
Architect and CTO at BIMobject®
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oreopoulos wrote:
When having the Favorites toolbox open, and i select one tool (say the wall tool) the list should be filtered to show ONLY wall entries.
When the arrow tool is selected all entries should be visible.
Filtering is nececcery when i have many many favorite entries

I think I have to register a strong objection to this wish as originally stated. I use favorites all the time in many ways, one of which is to activate a tool that I need to use. One of the main ideas behind favorites is to be able to move from one tool to another without a lot of mouse travel to the tool box.

I can agree with the wish as described by Ben, althought I would like the option of choosing a folder structure as suggested by Ben or as it is currently implemented.

I usually train clients to have many small Favorites pallets rather than one all encompassing one. So for example you might have a Favorites for general construction elements like walls, lines, slabs, etc.; but you would have separate Favorites for, say, a given brand of casement or double hung windows; a pallet for working on electrical plans, a plumbing Favorites...

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woodster wrote:
I usually train clients to have many small Favorites pallets
Can i split the favorites pallet in small pallets? Can this be done?

By the way i totally understand your objections.
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oreopoulos wrote:
Can i split the favorites pallet in small pallets? Can this be done?

I have clients create a Favorites directory; on your own machine if you work alone, on a server if you work with others in an office.

Begin by calling up the favorites window and deleting all but one of the items in the list. Then click on the little arrow to the right of "Name" at the top of the Favorites window and choose "Save Favorites", name it something like "Start" and save it to your Favorites directory. You will load this favorite every time you want to create a new pallet because there is no menu item to create an empty pallet and ArchiCAD will not let you Save an empty pallet

So when you create a new pallet you load this favorite, add all the elements you wish to it (for example, all sizes of a certain type of window made by a particular manufacturer), then delete the one object and choose "Save Favorites" name it, for example, Pella Wood Casements, and save it to your Favorites directory

Keep in mind that you can only have one favorites window open at a time. So if you have finished placing windows, say, and you now want to do an electrical plan, you would choose "Load Favorites" and get the Electrical favorites. You will get a dialogue box asking if you wish to merge or replace the current favorites and in most cases you will just choose Replace

In addition to keeping the Favorites list manageable it's a great way to enforce standards

Ben Odonnell
That's a really good way of splitting up your favs. I had never thought of doing it the way you have shown.

I'll have to give it a go , as you can see in your images it must be much easier to keep track of your favorites.

Ben O'Donnell
Architect and CTO at BIMobject®
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woodster wrote:
In addition to keeping the Favorites list manageable it's a great way to enforce standards
top tip woody! i never looked at it like that!

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Really nice, and the next best thing than having folder structure.!!