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Intelligent Linetypes

Paul King
I would love to see complex linetypes with the ability for their individual component parts to interact in thier own right when required:

- To trim neatly against an intersecting angled element (currently must either stop short or run over length). eg just try trimming an insulation line type around a mitred corner using the current tool !!

- To be individually snappable

- To allow components consisting of fills - with different pencolour to fill vs outline vs background

- To allow on screen dynamic spacing/setout of repeating elements on the fly, without necessarily requiring a new definition for each variation

I accept this would make them much more resource hungry, and so this functionality would need to apply to a distinct category of linetype - accessed only when needed

The current alternative is to manually array repeated items - monstrously inefficient when the array also needs the properties of a single dynamically adjustable element, including ability to rubber band, trim, curve etc

In effect you would be creating a new, much faster and much more untuitive method method of copying and grouping repeated elements

In principle, could even consist of 3D components!

What do others think?

ArchiCAD 8-27 | Twinmotion 2023
Windoze 11 PC | Intel Core i9 10900K | Nvidia Gforce RTX 3080 | 32 Gb DDR3 | 2x4K monitor extended desktop
Not applicable
Here is a good idea. Designers use lines and sketching before we commit to wall types, etc.

I have another wish, similar to "intelligent lines."

Since I use lines to "sketch" and outline buildings I would love it if I could click on a line that I may have placed earlier and be able to read the length of that line.

I often layout a project, but forget my assumptions and dimensions. This means drawing another line, or using the dimension tool to confirm earlier decisions.

How great it would be to just click on a line I may have placed an hour ago and see the length of it.
Jay wrote:
How great it would be to just click on a line I may have placed an hour ago and see the length of it.
and more?

mate - that's what the element information palette does:

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
~/archiben wrote:
Jay wrote:
How great it would be to just click on a line I may have placed an hour ago and see the length of it.
and more?

mate - that's what the element information palette does:

how about the info pallet showing me the angle of the line?
Not applicable
You learn something every day. Thank you, again.