Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Options in object parameter menu



Would it be possible to have the same Variants option system, in the object parameter menu and the item "Wall, Slab, Column, Beam, Roof, Mesh, Shell, Morph, Object.... ....?



AMD Ryzen 5950x
AMD RX 6750xt

You are unto something there.

I doubt that it will ever gets done, tho.


Right now the Design Options are only working with geometry, not with state. I think it is a huge mistake, but alas.

Managing state of coures is a bit more complicated, but also much more rewarding. Anyway, since this is how it is done I don't think GS will ever have the capacity to revert this and we will be stuck with what we got.

Lucas Becker | AC 27 on Mac | Author of Runxel's Archicad Wiki | Editor at SelfGDL | Developer of the GDL plugin for Sublime Text |
«Furthermore, I consider that Carth... yearly releases must be destroyed»

I agree but just realised the we might have misunderstood the wish - and that its just about having access to the DO palette in the tool dialog to be able to set the design option there ?



I think that runxel understood the request very well,

Saves a state of the object's parameters on an existing option of the project, which will allow us, for example, to configure our annotations by document scale without having to copy the annotation once again.

second time, which will also allow us to solve the problem of changing the surface without duplicating the element to change this surface.

If Graphisoft succeeds, it will then have reached a very important milestone in the development of the software.

AMD Ryzen 5950x
AMD RX 6750xt

Alright, basically the same functionality as this A new approach to change and alternative designs which got acknowledged as IDEA-11754. Unfortunately GS most likely consider it case closed after the current design option implementation despite it missing the point - surfaces/materials is a good example of the how limiting it is to have to duplicate elements. Such an approach would not only solve design options but also phasing and renovations - both of which remain on the roadmap.... Going to be interesting to see how they will consolidate that or if we end up with three things to keep track of rather than one.


Your note about annotations is interesting as it is different from the actual elements and perhaps easier for GS to swallow. Is it really so outlandish to have eg a label or text box keep track of different positions and configurations for different views?