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Warn about exclusive before PLP opens or SAVE 35 LIVES

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Why does ArchiCAD have to (nearly) completely open a PLP before it tells us that someone has exclusive access to it? Wouldn't it make a whole lot more sense for it to give us the warning BEFORE we spend two minutes of our lives opening the file?

Come on Graphisoft. Steve Jobs said it once, and I'm gonna paraphrase it. If you eliminate a mere 30 seconds once a day, with 100,000 users you end up saving the accumulated seconds of 35 lives in one year*.

Won't you save 35 lives today?

*The math:
60s*60m*24h*365=31,536,000 sec/yr... (one life in one year)
30s*100,000*365=1,095,000,000 sec/yr (total seconds wasted by 100,000 ArchiCAD users in one year)

1,095,000,000/31,536,000 = 34.72 lives
How much is that in dog years?
Dwight Atkinson