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formatable text!

when when when will we be able to format text in different ways within the same text 'box'?

it doesn't have to be as powerful as ms word: just the ability to bold/italic/underline/change font of a single word in a sentence without having to create a different text element would be nice.

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
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Actually I'm somewhere between "gotta have it" and maybe. I would prefer to be able to import word or PDF files with the formatting intact.
Exactly, you are right Ben...
What I actually need is a simple font formatting and the tabulator function to get simple tables done within the one text element!
James B
And another thing....

Control+A (select all) when in a text field should work. At the moment, it just types an A. Really annoying.

The only to select all the text is to click hold and drag upwards. But for consistency with every other programme I reckon Control+A should also work.

James Badcock
Graphisoft Senior Product Manager
Not applicable
And please please Graphisoft don't forget to include:
  • *Tabs that work
    *Bullets (numbered and just dots)
    *Hanging indent (Please don't leave this out! This is soooo important!)
Not applicable
Alex wrote:
And please please Graphisoft don't forget to include:
  • *Tabs that work
    *Bullets (numbered and just dots)
    *Hanging indent (Please don't leave this out! This is soooo important!)

I second that entirely, especially the auto bullets lists, and indentation control PLUS : fully justified alignment
Gyuri Nyitrai
Added to wishlist:

- ability to bold/italic/underline/change font of a single word in a sentence without having to create a different text element
- tabulator function to get simple tables done within the one text element
- Control+A (select all) when in a text field should work
- Tabs, bullets, hanging indent
- fully justified alignment
Not applicable
How about just creating a text tool with the same basic (text) functions as TextEdit (on the Mac) or even NotePad (on the PC)?

These basic functions have been solved for so long that it seems there is probably open source code available, or at least someone who would sell or license a basic word processor real cheap.

It is important also to support RTF in and out.
Dave Jochum
To each, his own, I guess--but I'd sure like to hear the reason why someone voted to not add text formatting capability
Dave Jochum
J o c h u m A R C H I T E C T S
MBP 16" (M1 Max) 64 GB•OS 13.5.2•AC 27 Silicon (latest build)
Not applicable
Matthew wrote:
How about just creating a text tool with the same basic (text) functions as... ...NotePad (on the PC)?
I think you mean WORDPAD, not notepad.
Notepad only supports simple text. No colors. You can't even change the font! Well you can but you can only have one font per file. And it definately doesn't have bullets or hanging indent. And notepad can't open RTF documents with formatting intact. You see the coding but it doesn't render it. In fact the text in ArchiCAD already DOES pretty much work like notepad. So please Graphisoft. The text needs to be at LEAST as sophisticated as WORDPAD.

I do agree with your RTF request.

Oh! And Gyuri. While you are adding CTRL+A to the wishlist please add CTRL+Z (undo) and CTRL+Y (redo).