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layer name display in infobox

i wonder if it would be nice to be able to resize the layer name window in the info box window, as it is currerntly somewhat inconvenient to not be able to read and identify layer names longer than 11 characters (surprisingly even some of the standard layer names that come with archicad are longer than that... ;0).

Design Technology Managers.
All  on macOS | since AC 6

Archicad Framework > Smart Template 27
Smart Tree, Transmittal and Universal Label and other smart GDL Objects
By Architects for Architects.
Not applicable
And, PLEASE, Graphisoft Development Team, we want RESIZEABLE fonts in dialogs and anywhere else!!!
Not applicable
It seems that no matter what palette layout I choose, the layer names are truncated after approx. 12 characters. This is no big deal normally but our office shares files with special planners (structural engineers, surveyor, HVAC engineers, electrical planners, etc.) and we have developed a strict layer naming scheme that starts out with a four letter code for each planner, followed by a two character story-identifier. That means that the identifier for the actual material is shifted so far to the right that it usually is not displayed in the menu or so little that one has to click it, open the menu, to see if the correct layer is chosen. Needless to state that this is time-consuming and annoying.

Is there a "hack" to make this popup bigger?


Karl Ottenstein
There is already a topic for this wish. Please just go to:

and vote there.

One of the forum moderators
AC 27 USA and earlier   •   macOS Ventura 13.6.7, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Frank Beister
I would prefer the 'tooltips' version.

Adjustable fonts are a great effort for writing GDL-user interfaces. It's not easy going programming for mac, win and finally the few font sizes you can choose from in GDL now.

Larger windows will lead in in the necessarity of a third display. 😉
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
Adjustable fonts are a great effort for writing GDL-user interfaces. It's not easy going programming for mac, win and finally the few font sizes you can choose from in GDL now.
fully agree, that would be virtually impossible to programme the user interface. That would look like a dog's breakfast after changing the font each time.
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Another alternative would be a 'popup' window which gives the (full) version of the name when you 'mouse over'.
Stuart - this should already be the case if you have tooltips turned on.

I don't necessarily agree with font size, but I think it is very important to have any attribute name be completely visible at all times. Maybe it could automatically adjust per name?

Gets my vote.
