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Cursor became small on High Resolution Displays on Windows 10 after Creators Update

Daniel Kovacs
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni

Affected versions: ARCHICAD 21 or older | Severity: fixed in an update, workaround applicable | ID: 230368


On your High Resolution display the cursor in ARCHICAD became unnaturally small, making it hard to work, even though the Display is Scaled up properly.



Microsoft Released the Creators Update for Windows 10. This changed the way High Resolution displays (like 4K and above) handle the cursor, and this caused problems for several applications on the market, including ARCHICAD. The new way relies on various factors including hardware related ones (like the type of the screen and the video card). We have made ARCHICAD 21 compliant with this change in the first update (and ARCHICAD 20 will be made compliant in it's next regular update), but depending on the combination of these Hardware elements, some might still run into this problem after updating (in these cases Windows uses the 100% scaled cursor size, and not the upscaled 150% cursor size).


The fix is included in update 6013 for ARCHICAD 21, and update 7001 for ARCHICAD 20. Please make sure that you have the latest update installed.

If you run into this issue, first make sure you have the latest update of ARCHICAD installed. If your cursor is still the wrong size, you can scale it to the proper size manually through a Registry Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GRAPHISOFT\ARCHICAD-64\[ARCHICAD xx]\Dialog Manager\HDPI Cursor Scaling


As a value you can enter the different scaling sizes of Windows (100, 125, 150, 175, 200, etc.). By default this value is zero, which means that ARCHICAD will let the OS decide what size of cursor to use. But if you scaled Windows to 150%, and the cursor is stuck at 100% (so it's small), you can enter 150 here to tell ARCHICAD to use the 150% upscaled version of the cursor.

You can find help about how to modify a Registry key here.


NOTE: The fix is planned to be included in update 50xx for ARCHICAD 21, and update 70xx for ARCHICAD 20.


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