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Georeferencing - Survey Point Data and 2D CAD

There is a thread with a similar question/topic, but it is locked.


When exporting 2D CAD from model space with a translator that references the survey point (not the project origin), does the georeferenced Northing and Easting put the drawing into the proper spot in a GIS system? The parameters I mean are listed as IFC parameters. If it's only that, then how do we communicate with disciplines that work exclusively in 2D CAD?


Operating system used: Mac Intel-based Sonoma


Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 2.11.51 PM.png

Think Like a Spec Writer
AC4.55 through 27 / USA AC27-4060 USA
Rhino 8 Mac
MacOS 14.2.1

When exporting in real world coordinates, the survey point location will become the origin of the DWG file and rotated to align north with the Y axis. The translation will depend exclusively in the survey point coordinates above in the image you sent, not in the Map coordinates you introduced below.

Archicad 27 ARM, MacBook Pro M1 Max 64Gb, macOS Monterrey.

That's what I was afraid of. Can we turn this into a wish for a "smarter" survey point or one that offers to use 'real world' northing and easting points?

Think Like a Spec Writer
AC4.55 through 27 / USA AC27-4060 USA
Rhino 8 Mac
MacOS 14.2.1

Since the world is round and Archicads drawing plane flat only exact one point can be exported into a GIS format. 
Archicad, Revit Allplan and VectorWorks do not support GeoCoordinates. 
I therefore only coordinate 2 to 3 reference points within my file as a reference to Planers that need real coordinates. 
My file stays close to Archicads origin, not northed, unturned in the main direction of the design. Shall others do their Job. I don‘t have any advantages of geo-coordinates within my process….


 Of course my workflow doesn’t justify the half baked functionalities of archicad

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