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Associates objects with zones


Hey everyone,

I was goofin around property manager. Naturally I do those type of calculations in Excel but it's as fast as manual copy/paste can be. Even the smart table export doesn't really improve the speed.


For the zones I created several formulas that give me the end result of heat energy I need for the certain premises. Those calculations are based on geometry of zone itself (height, volume, type of insulation, glazing etc.)


However, if I place heater element (object tool) I want those formulas reflect somehow on the properties of the said object. Or at least heater had to recognize data from the zones.


I thought of applying those zone properties to the heater object directly but in that case I have to manually type in the desired data which is basically Excel but without Excel.


Generally speaking it could sort out lots of calculations based solely in live data exchange between objects in ArchiCAD.



Laszlo Nagy
Community Admin
Community Admin

This sounds like a wish to me so I moved it to the Wishes forum.

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