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ArchiCAD 64-bit Preview Version for the Mac OS

Holger Kreienbrink
Dear Archi-Talkers,

I am happy to announce that we have arrived to the next major milestone with our 64-bit developments for the Mac. Please let me invite ArchiCAD 14 Mac users registered on ArchiCAD-Talk to participate in the customer validation of the special 64-bit Mac preview version of ArchiCAD. The primary goal with this preview version is to “benchmark” test how medium / large size projects perform on 64-bit. Based on the results necessary optimizations will be made for the next commercial release of ArchiCAD.

If you are interested to participate in the customer validation, please log-in to ArchiCAD-Talk and check out the instructions in the dedicated section of the forum.

(Ihr müsst euch dazu im INT-Forum anmelden).
Holger Kreienbrink
Director Product Intelligence
Munich, Germany
Archicad since Version 5....
If I sound too harsh, please forgive me: I am German.