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seit ‎2023-11-29


  • 29 Beiträge
  • 0 Lösungen
  • 8 Vergebene Kudos
  • 38 Erhaltene Kudos


Hi, the AI Visualizer in TP 28 is not working at all and a lot of features/options are gone. Is this the final version or can we expect more options in the interface like: Picture size aso.? Best regards,Frank
Hi,has anyone experience in creating a voronoi facade with GH for ArchiCAD? Best regards,Frank Operating system used: Mac Apple Silicon
The design is based on different works of a beach house. The house is 5X5X5 Meters.
Hi, it was a fun to use the AI prompt from "Innenhafen Duisburg" on my site.AI-Prompt by Frank Schlenke:A hyper realistic image of four modern urban office and residential buildings. Different grey #facades with huge windows on ground floor and fewer...
Design of an inner city with different views and settings. Also added screenshots from the ArchiCAD 3D window.