Hi zusammen
Betreibt hier von Euch jemand erfolgreich Archicad mit networkhomes eines OS X Servers 10.6.8 ? Bei uns ist der IFC-Export nicht möglich, weil das Plugin anscheinend nicht mit langen Pfaden umgehen kann. Die Fehler:
EDM Error - Code:0 - <Fatal Internal Error>
oder andere Fehlercodes.
Ich habe Euch unten mein Posting ins Englisch-Sprachige Forum angehängt. Es ist wirklich ärgerlich.
Danke für Tipps und viele Grüsse
i there,
We're using OS X Server 10.6.8 in combination with network home directories. Everything works fine, except the IFC export.
We're trying the following:
1. Save any file as IFC 2x2
2. Edit Options/Preferences of this Plugin
Whenever we try anything oh the above as being logged in as network use, the task fails with the following error:
EDM Error - Code:0 - <Fatal Internal Error>
When we are logged in as a local user, everything works fine. I've found the following in this thread:
http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/vie ... p?p=155502
It seems to be the same error more or less; but without network homes. In the following threads
http://www.archicadwiki.com/Bugs/IFC/EDM_Error_11059(we deleted the folder and checked permissions)
It seems that the Path to the EDMDB-Folder path is too long; with a network home it is:
/Network/Servers/first.ooszrh.ch/Volumes/Vtrack/Users/heinz/Library/Application Support/Graphisoft/EDMDB
then we get the error.
/Users/heinz/Library/Application Support/Graphisoft/EDMDB
I know that the path should not be longer than 127bytes (please see
http://www.archicadwiki.com/Bugs/IFC/EDM_Error_11059); I think it is not, but it has to be the problem. We tried to set a folder redirection and hard links to the local path - nothing helps
Does anyone know what to do? How can we change the path for EDMDB-folder?
Or what else can we do?
Archicad just has to work with network homes!!!
😞Thanks for any suggestion!!!
All the best,