How can I use a property label in a zone if the property is a expression
based property? There is no option, neither if the label is an autotext
field with the property.
Problem with the side of labels of finishes when wall is flipped
Correct:Rotation works properly. Wrong:The labels doen't flip with the
elementWith mirror, happens the same.
Hi Barry, I'm trying with Archicad 27 4030 SPA and Archicad 26 5002 SPA.
I have realized that the problem is with the Surface attribute of the
zone element (I don't know if it happens with another zone attribute).If
there is an option in the expressi...
An auto text label of a expression based property doesn't work in a zone
element. The label doesn't show the value of the property. I can't
attach a screenshot right now to show you.
Inverting the direction of the wall helped, the labels flipped and
placed properly, still it's a manual action without the find/select
option. I still thinking it's an issue to solve in a future update...
Maybe doing that, fixing when you flip an ele...
Hi Barry, How can I select the flipped walls?There is no option in find
and select. I am talking about hundred of them in a Hospital floor... It
can't be done manually without errors... There ir a way to change the
direction of a wall?
Thanks for the reply. It's a default property label (one for each side
of the wall mirroring the label and saving it as favorite for each side
interior/external). I think it's and issue that the label doesn't flip
with the wall, it would be a great i...