am 2019-05-28 02:53 PM
am 2019-06-03 01:12 PM
am 2019-06-03 01:16 PM
am 2019-06-03 03:23 PM
am 2019-06-03 04:05 PM
"Beister" wrote:Taatsache! Kann ich bestätigen.
Korrektur: IMHO bug: Die ISUNDEFINED Funktion mag kein "Optionen Set" der getesteten Eigenschaft. Mit Zeichenfolgen klappt es mit der Formel und dem Parameter.
IF ( ( {Property:Türen\/Fenster/Schwelle} = "Noch nicht vergeben" ); "undefiniert"; CONCAT ( "Definiert: "; {Property:Türen\/Fenster/Schwelle} ) )
am 2019-06-04 07:53 AM
Here is what I found: the Expression you stated in your first post should be fine (aside from some syntax issues). However, what I find is that the ISUNDEFINED function works only on Properties with "TRUE/FALSE", "INTEGER" and "NUMBER" Data types.
So, in your case, when the Data Type is "Option Set", the ISUNDEFINED function cannot be evaluated. I think this is either a bug or a limitation.
So, for example, this simple Expression:IF ( ISUNDEFINED ( {Property:OPENINGS/Fire Exit} ), TRUE, FALSE )
will correctly return "TRUE" when the "Fire Exit" Property is <Undefined>, and return "FALSE" when the "Fire Exit" Property is either TRUE or FALSE (not <Undefined>). The "Fire Exit" Property has the "True/False" Data Type.
However, the following Expression:IF ( ISUNDEFINED ( {Property:GENERAL RATINGS/Fire Resistance Rating} ), TRUE, FALSE )
will always be evaluated as "FALSE", regardless of whether it is default (Undefined), is set to Undefined, or set to any other value. The "Fire Resistance Rating" Property has the "Option Set" Data Type.
I tend to think it is a bug, because we should be able to tell if any Property is undefined or not, regardless of its Data Type, and that is exactly what the ISUNDEFINED function is for. It should work for all Data Types, not only for numeric Data Types.
So I will report this to GRAPHISOFT for them to look at.
am 2019-06-04 08:00 AM
"Stefan L." wrote:
Workaround: Für "Schwelle" ein Optionenset mit einem Eintrag "Noch nicht vergeben" oder so, und den als Standardwert vorgeben. Alle bereits existierenden Elemente erben sofort diesen Wert, und das Kettensymbol bleibt geschlossen.
Die Prüfung fragt das dann ab:IF ( ( {Property:Türen\/Fenster/Schwelle} = "Noch nicht vergeben" ); "undefiniert"; CONCAT ( "Definiert: "; {Property:Türen\/Fenster/Schwelle} ) )
am 2019-06-08 09:53 PM
256527 DOCUMENT: ISUNDEFINED function of the Expression-based Properties was not evaluated correctly for Option Set type Properties.
am 2019-06-11 11:23 AM
am 2019-06-11 03:06 PM