es gibt Leute, die Beschneiden Freiflächen mit der guten alten Cutpoly-Methode!
(weiss nicht mehr, wo ich´s herhab...)
Gruß, az
1. Make a copy of the mesh & change the material of mesh to road material.
2. Create convex polygon slabs to cover areas outside roads on the copy of mesh. You may needs more than one slab and the slabs may overlap. (Convex polygon means that the internal angles are less than 180 degrees.)
3. Select all the slabs, Drag & Drop them to 3D script of new object library part.
4. Modify the script to obtain the X & Y coordinates only for each slab.
5. Add 'cutpoly' and the number of nodes to top of each coordinate series.
For example:-
ADDZ 3.35
cPRISM_ "Plastic laminate", "Plastic laminate", "Plastic laminate",
4, 0.15,
0.105042, 10.2935, 15,
19.2299, 16.2129, 15,
6.063985, 21.2844, 15,
0.105042, 10.2935, -1
should become:-
0.105042, 10.2935,
19.2299, 16.2129,
6.063985, 21.2844,
0.105042, 10.2935
6. Now, Drag & Drop the copy of mesh (from step 1) to the end of 3D script.
7. Count the number of 'cutpoly' commands and add equal number of 'cutend' to the end of 3D script.
8. Add 'Material roadmaterial' to top of 3D script, so that the material for the side of road is same as top of the road (where roadmaterial is material of road).
9. Add 'PROJECT2 3, 270, 2' to the 2D script.
10. Save the object library part and insert it to floor plan.
Adjust the height of road library object about 100mm above the original mesh and with fingers crossed, you might get the road correctly. Some time, the 'Mass' in GDL and 'Mesh' tool triangluate rectangle differently, if this is the case, add more nodes to mesh object at junction of contours and edges of road, adjust height of nodes before Drag & Drop.
WARNING! Might have problems on complicated mesh and lots of cutpolies!!!
1. Create your mesh with contour lines and level spots as necessary. Adjust your contour lines and level spots to the correct height.
2. Draw roads using line, arc and/or sprine tool over your mesh. Make sure the lines extend over the edges of the mesh.
3. Select all the mesh, lines, arcs and spine (A), make a copy (B) to the right at a known distance. You can use a line as a guide.
4. At the original road/mesh, join up the ends to enclose the road. (See 'A') At the copied road/mesh, join up the ends to enclose the grass area. (See 'B')
5. Select the mesh at 'A', with the mesh tool selected, left click on a node to bring up the pet pallette, select the subtract button, space click on the lines enclosing the road at point within the mesh to cut out the road.Repeat at 'B' to cut out the grass area.
6. Your result should look similar to the diagrams below:-
7. Finally, select the road (mesh) in 'B', change the material to road colour, move it back to original position using the line as guide. Now select all the meshes and group them together.
1. Determine the overall size of the site that you want to create. With the Mesh Tool selected, drag a rectangle bigger than the size you want on floor plan.
2. Draw contour lines using line, arc and/or sprine tool over your mesh. Make sure the lines joined end-to-end and extend over the edges of the mesh unless it forms a loop within the Mesh. You can trace over contour lines of Surveyor's drawings or work out the contour lines with the aids of the spot level. Be cautious with contour lines supplied by Surveyors as they normally drawn by 'Sketch' command in AutoCAD which produces thousands of small lines in a single contour line.
3. Click 'Tools'>'Magic Wand Setting' to open the Magic Wand Setting dialogue box to set segments and tracing method. Use a low figure to reduce the number of polygons.
4. Select the mesh created in step 1, with Mesh Tool selected, 'Space'-click on the contour lines. Choose 'Fit to User Ridge' on the pop-up 'New Mesh Points' dialogue box. Deselect the mesh, shift-click on the contour line at the line when cursor is in mercedes shape (not at the nodes-tick shape). Click and hold at one of the nodes to bring up the pet pallette. Choose the height button to adjust level. Set contour line level and select the 'Apply to All' button before clicking OK. Repeat with the rest of the contour lines.
5. With Mesh Tool selected, select the mesh, click and hold at one of the corner nodes to bring up the pet pallette. Choose the height button to adjust level. Un-select the 'Apply to All' button and set the height to the corner node selected. Repeat with the three other corners.
6. Finally, click and hold at one of the corner nodes to bring up the pet pallette again. Choose the substract button and draw rectangle to remove the unwanted part of the mesh to arrive at the size that you originally determined in step 1. This is to avoid all the polygons converging at the corner.
1, Try to use contour lines to create the level instead of using spot levels, it is faster and give you better control on the appearence.
2, Make sure the contour lines did not intersect itself forming '8'. This will usually happen using 'Spline' tool at sharp corners.