since ‎2022-07-29
a month ago

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I want to change morph's material(surface). I change material property in morph, but it's not work. After morph is created, I check property in archicad. It says 'Apply changes to custom faces/edges too'. (In picture) This is occur when I did solid o...
This is when I used in AC24.'$(SDK_24)" is archicad dev api path mecro in my project. (C:\Program Files\GRAPHISOFT\API Development Kit 24.3009)And 'Resource.h' file is located in Source\Include, so I contain that path. cl /nologo /X /EP /P /I "$(SDK_...
I want to draw moving line after click one point like measurement tool (shortcut 'm'). I can get click point using 'APIIo_GetPointID'. But, I want to show preview line when they drawing. API_GetPointType pointInfo1, pointInfo2; BNZeroMemory(&pointInf...
I want to change floor cut plan using api. But it's not work. API_FloorPlanCutDefinition floorPlanCutDefinition; GSErrCode testErr = ACAPI_Environment(APIEnv_GetPreferencesID, &floorPlanCutDefinition, (void*)APIPrefs_FloorPlanCutPlaneDef); floorPlanC...
I convert some element to morph(using api). Converting is working well. But few element's body is not one, I have to perform solid operation. When I perform solid operation(ACAPI_Element_SolidOperation_Create), I got -2130313015(APIERR_NO3D) err code...
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