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Mostrando resultados para 
Pesquisar então 
Você quer dizer: 
desde ‎2022-09-24

Estatísticas de usuário

  • 40 Envios
  • 1 Soluções
  • 23 Curtidas
  • 93 Curtidas recebidas


Hi all, the challenge finish , I want to share some of the objects I made for it , have a nice day! download here from my drive this is a desktop lamp I hope you like it , it runs from verson 22 to early p.d. thanks for your likes in the challenge
this is an array creator with ramdom variables to make it looks more natural
I made this spring to show the power of parametric objecs 
I made this stair for people need  a simple stair for small house  
table and chair easy to use, both in same object , small code footprint only 52 KB