am 2014-07-24 06:50 PM
am 2014-07-29 05:58 PM
am 2014-07-30 11:20 AM
You can edit the currently open Revision's ID (Index) of each Layout, in the Layout Settings / on the Properties panel in the Navigator. (Unfortunately, currently this only works for single selection, known issue). It is also possible to change from the Sheet Index, if the "Current Revision ID" field is added. If you change it once to letters (set it to A), the Revision IDs continue that value, so the next will automatically be B, C, etc.
You can do this (changing to letters) together for all Layouts using the "Override Revision ID of all included Layouts" checkbox - but that only works for the included Layouts. Or you can change it one-by-one in the Layout Settings/Navigator Properties/Sheet Index as mentioned above - but only at the first Revision of each Layout. You only have to do this once, after that it automatically stays alphabetic instead of numeric.
In your example, where the versioning goes <nothing, A, B, C, ...> you'll have to enter "A" at the first Revision for each Layout. (Other numbering conventions, like <1,2,3,...>; <0,1,2,...>; <nothing,1,2,...>; <A,B,C,...> work by overriding everything at the First Issue)
Best regards,
am 2014-07-30 01:09 PM
am 2014-07-30 01:57 PM
am 2014-07-31 10:00 AM
am 2014-07-31 11:36 AM
am 2014-07-31 12:23 PM
am 2014-07-31 01:21 PM
am 2014-07-31 01:51 PM
Noch ein Detail: Wir überspringen gerne Index I und J (wegen der Verwechslungsgefahr). Auf H folgt dann K.