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seit ‎2024-05-19
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  • 48 Beiträge
  • 1 Lösungen
  • 3 Vergebene Kudos
  • 3 Erhaltene Kudos


Good day again, had somebody have the idea of how I could return a string that would contain a GSM filename, that an element I selected is associated with, via the API?I was looking into the API functions that were related to LibPart but so far nothi...
Good morning everybody! I have been coding for a while and researching the newest documentation and I noticed that some functions have been labeled as: "Deprecated function, will be deleted in the upcoming version!".Am I right in understanding that n...
Good day everyone, I have a problem with returning a data about the skins of a wall in Archicad.I have checked these links but they didn't give me much of information:
Good day folks. I have an issue with CHCopyC here.Basically i have this expression:CHCopyC(gdl_param.stringData.c_str(), reinterpret_cast(memo_param.value.uStr)); I use it to update the values of properties of elements. However, I got stuck with one <!-- -->...
Good day to everybody. I have a struggle with retrieving the whole data about wall composites that exist in an Archicad project.Here is the empty Archicad project: and here is the list of wall composites: I will be really glad if somebody tells me a ...