since ‎2024-05-19
a week ago

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Hello. I have been searching a similar functional command as ACAPI_Environment for AC27 and 28, but I couldn't. Do you know a good alternative for AC27 and 28 to extract stuff like ACAPI_Environment does for older versions? Operating system used: Win...
Hello. I am trying to implement one algorithm but for that I need somehow to detect that you have opened a certain window in Archicad that changes the focus of the application to that window, for ex. a modal dialogue or windows such as those: or or I...
Hello. I was trying to implement one algorithm where I am trying to update one particular property of an instance of an object in Archicad environment.Here exists some rectangular element: It has following properties: Now, I will try to update only o...
Hello everyone. I am stuck with one issue related to extracting elements' data like width, height, length and so on.I have been looking around in Archicad 28 API, however, some functions are about to be deleted, or deprecated, or replaced, or some do...
Good evening everyone. I have stuck with one issue relating to loading plugins into archicad on windows. It all went this way:I had compiled my plugin with the correct plugin id defined in plugin's configuration file.I used a valid certificate to app...
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