Hello, where do you put it exactly? Right before the first reference
like this: #ifndef _PARAMETERCOLLECTION_HPP_ #define
_PARAMETERCOLLECTION_HPP_ #include "Definitions.hpp" #include
#include "WString.hpp" #include using namespace std;
class CPara...
Hello, at first as Bernd pointed out is there any reason you use angle
brackets instead of quotes? Please try to modify to #include
"Parameter.hpp" It is unclear to me whether this error you mentioned
refers to CParameter or API_AddParType. Moreover ...
Hello, yes you can use ACAPI_Element_Create to place a GDL element.
First you have to set API_Element's object data member (API_ObjectType).
object.libInd data member identifies gdl element. To determine library
index by its name you can use ACAPI_Li...