since ‎2024-05-19
17 hours ago

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Hello everyone. I am stuck with one issue related to extracting elements' data like width, height, length and so on.I have been looking around in Archicad 28 API, however, some functions are about to be deleted, or deprecated, or replaced, or some do...
Good evening everyone. I have stuck with one issue relating to loading plugins into archicad on windows. It all went this way:I had compiled my plugin with the correct plugin id defined in plugin's configuration file.I used a valid certificate to app...
Good day everyone. I have the following code snippet: API_SelectionInfo selectionInfo; GS::Array neigs; rapidjson::Document document(rapidjson::kArrayType); document.SetArray(); rapidjson::Value value; value.SetObject(); auto err = ACAPI_Selection_Ge...
Good day. Does anybody knows a way how to rotate the direction of arrows of certain objects like beams and arcs without changing the position of the object itself?Here below how is it is originally (it is a beam) Here how it became: But it is not cor...
Hello everyone, I'm encountering an issue while setting parameters for certain objects using the Archicad API. I have an instance of the API_ChangeParamType class (let's refer to it as object). This object has some crucial attributes, specifically na...
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