Hi, If API27 example addon works on your PC without any problem, then
I'd suggest you to check VC project file settings carefully to see
whether everything (include header/lib/etc. file path) refer to new
API27 Dev Kit and try again. HTH.
Hi, I'd like suggest you to use ACAPI_SetPreferences() and
ACAPI_GetPreferences() function to keep and restore your own data in
your project file. Please check the details in API Doc. HTH.
Hi, There are some sample code in API Examples which using
ACAPI_ProcessWindow_IsProcessCanceled(), like
ModelAccess_Test_Exportor.cpp, could you try whether it works on your
pc? HTH.
Hi, you can use ACAPI_Toolbox_SetToolBoxMode() command to force the
Window tool to active, please check the Examples code Do_SetToolBoxMode
() in Element_snippets.cpp. HTH.