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seit ‎2024-05-22


  • 33 Beiträge
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In ArchiCAD 27 API/C++,the following menu in the grc file imposes restrictions on commands:'STR#' ID_ADDON_MENU04 "Menu04" {/* [ ] */ "Construction Support Tool"/* [ 1] */ "Weight Calculation ^E3 ^ES ^DE ^DI ^DD ^DT ^10004"}How can I release the rest...
I'm developing an add-on using the API in Archicad 27 with Visual C++ 2019 on Windows 10.The add-on uses global variables to store calculated data in memory. When I run the add-on from the menu, the calculated results are stored in the add-on's memor...
I'm programing on ArchiCAD27/VisualStudio C++2019/Windows10.But my function can not create layer GSErrCode CreateLayer(GS::UniString layer_name, API_Attribute* attr) { BNZeroMemory(attr, sizeof(API_Attribute)); attr->header.typeID = API_LayerID; attr...
I'm Programing on ArchiCAD27/Windows10/VisualStudio2019C++ I Create Element (Object "3DText") by C++; Why My Function Execute Memory Reak in ArchiCAD? First Execute = OK Second Execute = Memory Reak Execute! GSErrCode Create3DText( API_Coord3D pos , ...
In ArchiCAD27API (C++/VS2019/Win10),how can I place label text on the top of a slab?