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seit ‎2008-08-18


  • 28 Beiträge
  • 0 Lösungen
  • 0 Vergebene Kudos
  • 1 Erhaltene Kudos


When exporting just one storey of a multi-storey project to IFC, I have an issue regarding the stairs of the floor below showing up in the export. How ca nI save a view, that will only export the contents of one floor? Different ways of exporting an ...
Hi! Can someone please confirm this bug for me: In v23, if you edit the IFC export setting Data Conversion - IFC Space Containment - Filter Containment, you can remove check marks from IFC component types that should not be included in assigning spac...
For ease of compositing, I sometimes overlay two views on a sheet (say a site drawing, and a vector map). When exporting this to DWG, the placement of the drawings in DWG model space will produce a very unexpected result, for example placing the draw...
When an object is on a hidden layer, it's associated labels are also hidden (by default). But when we export the view as DWG, the labels of hidden objects will appear! Obviously, the labels shoudl be hidden. Of course this can be circumvented by sett...
We have some objects, that need to be located bridging in-between two zones. When we try to schedule these objects, they can't display any zone information. Only moving the geometric ("bounding box") center point of the object inside one of the zones...