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seit ‎2022-07-13


  • 11 Beiträge
  • 1 Lösungen
  • 0 Vergebene Kudos
  • 1 Erhaltene Kudos


Archicad 20 - old (ghost) walls, perpendicular, keep showing through a wall it used to connect too. I tried turning off the 'Clean Walls and Intersection' under Trace Wall , but then bold lines with the arrows show up. Does anyone help to get rid of ...
I use the old Archicad 20 - For some reason now any roof I make appears with a black and magenta colored checkerboard pattern in 3D. I cannot find where to change this. Need helpJS
My husband uses Archicad 20. He double clicks the mouse to edit text without having to right click the mouse to get into the text to edit. Due to a disability he cannot right click the mouse so this double click option is important. Today this option...
This is basic. Archicad 20 - My layout sheets show the pen colors that I use in my View Map drawings. I want to switch this to black and white. Please help.