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desde ‎2023-02-22

Estatísticas de usuário

  • 22 Envios
  • 0 Soluções
  • 2 Curtidas
  • 5 Curtidas recebidas


I just came across this post about the 2D Extras Add-On: This looks incredibly useful, but the post is in German so I can...
I would like to use autotext syntax to name a drawing. It appears this question was previously asked this year and the response was archived so I can't see it. Is there a way I can clone a folder in the view map and use autotext to include the name o...
I can not find proper documentation of how to use this setting to anchor drawings in place. What exactly is the "Internal Origin" of a drawing? Can I set that origin manually for each drawing? Is it somehow related to the Set User Origin tool in the ...
I am trying to use BIMx on iPad to create issues and have them show up in my Teamwork ArchiCAD file. I have two problems: 1. When I create an issue on the iPad and send it to my ArchiCAD model, nothing happens in ArchiCAD. 2. I also do not have acces...
I am looking for a way to ensure that my associative labels stop moving after I place them. The interior design team at my firm spends a lot of time adjusting and fixing labels throughout the documentation process, and do not like that associative la...