Copy and Paste in 3D

Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus
We need the ability to copy elements from the 3D window of one running AC session and paste them into the 3D window of another running session.

Since I'm talking about two sessions (two files), I'm putting this wish in the Cooperation Wishes forum, rather than User Interface. 😉

I managed to delete some elements in my model (first time, knock on wood) and could see them clearly in 3D in an old file. Without wanting to figure out which stories these elements were on, I wanted to just select them in the 3D window, copy, and paste them into the 3D window of the screwed-up model. No go.

It is surprising that we do not have this ability to copy from 3D via clipboard since we can do it from plan. [We do have the ability within the 3D window to drag copies of existing elements by tapping Ctrl/Command during the drag.]

So, how about it: copy/paste from/to 3D window anyone? 😉

The corollary wish is for save-selection-as-module (and merge) to work in 3D.


Checking back in on this, just found out this wasn't possible and am struggling to find a reasonable workaround for my specific use case.


19 years...

Martin Jules

I wish I could see this feature in ArchiCAD before that of the artificial intelligence. It would be very useful for architectural practice.


Copy and paste between AC sessions in 3D would be really helpful. Just submitted my vote for this.


with 59 Votes

Wish details