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since ‎2006-09-25

User Statistics

  • 297 Posts
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When I try to navigate (rotate, pan zoom, etc.) in 3D modeling views, it flashes my site plan. It's not the end of the world, but it is extremely annoying every time I'm working in any 3D view. Does anyone know why it might be flashing like this? -Mi...
For some reason I can't get columns to show up on upper stories (I usually do my site plan and landscape plans as the top stories). They are set to "All Relevant Stories" because the only other option is "Home Story Only." I don't know how ArchiCAD d...
For years I have observed this phenomenon in every version of ArchiCAD. For some reason, I cannot "deselect" (which is usually done using the escape key) once I have "selected all" in the Drawing Manager. I always have to close the Drawing Manager, t...
I'm wondering if there is a way to select only that which is visible in a 3D Window, not including objects that are within the view cone but behind other objects. My reason for wanting to do this is so that I can export 3D scenes that I want to rende...
In ArchiCAD 20 the Find & Select is a little different, making it particularly useful to create one's own Criteria Sets that one can use over and over rather than having to manually click through all the options every time. It appears as though we ca...
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