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seit ‎2007-04-27


  • 138 Beiträge
  • 0 Lösungen
  • 0 Vergebene Kudos
  • 4 Erhaltene Kudos


Certain library objects look different after I export a plan to DWG. For example, cabinets that in ArchiCAD look like a counter and sink... after exporting, the DWG doesn't show the counter or sink and just shows the carcass. What controls this, so t...
I undocked my layouts tab, and would like to re-dock it in the tab bar. I saw a similar post with this problem, and the answer given was that there is an option in the Windows menu, but I don't see this when I open the Windows menu. So what can I do ...
Is there a way to include the RCP symbol of a light fixture in an interactive schedule? All I can seem to place is a 2D Plan Preview, but I am using the RCP symbols in all my plans. Thanks!
I used to be able to change the display order of fills when placed into elevations and sections so that they could be behind certain elements (but not others) but no longer am able to do so... does anyone else have this issue? Is there a setting I am...
I would like the window sill to not project past the face of the exterior wall, but can't find where to control this... Thanks!