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david nicholson-cole
seit ‎2003-11-01


  • 169 Beiträge
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Hi all, I am about to start teaching Archicad again, after a gap of time, and am dismayed to find that one can download the BIM Curriculum 2013 as often as one likes, but the downloads are always corrupted - Windows cannot open the Zip Archive. Its o...
Now that EcoDesigner is built into version 16, can we discuss it here? Shouldnt it have its own category in AC-Talk? Anyway.... London is a very cold place. so thinks Graphisoft. According to the weather file in ArchiCAD 16, it seems that the tempera...
I know this is the main location for GDL discussion now. the Yahoo group GDLTalk hasn't been used for two years, and I posted an item today, just out of interest. But it may be best to close Yahoo group....
In the building regs in the UK, there are a series of step changes in the regulations between now and 2016 requiring more and more insulation. This is trailing behind Germany, Austria, Switzerland where the insulation standards have been higher for l...
ArchiCAD Summer School is on again, on the week ending 10-11-12 September 2008 in Nottingham, England. Please see the website for details of the programme and speakers. We already have a detailed programme displaye...