since ‎2022-12-27

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  • 17 Posts
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Hello I am working on a house renovation project and I would like to have all my new construction openings shown in blue colour on the elevations. I've set up a graphic override rule and it works just fine when a wall is existing and the opening is n...
Hello I need to create a facade similar to this example and I haven't done anything like it before using Archicad.Just wondering what would be the best way to do it. Having separate windows or creating a curtain wall? Would there need to be separate ...
Hello Is there a way to exclude certain drawings, schedules or legends from showing their scale in a drawing list? Thanks, Tijana
Hello Is there a way to add a criteria to Window and Door Schedule to have the room name (zone) to which window/door belongs to? Thanks, Tijana
Hello How can I get a roof cover fill to show only on the Roof Plan and not on the Ground Floor plan? I am using AC25. Thanks, Tijana