Hello every one, As sa topic tittle sugest, I am in need for solution
how to create mitered corner panel using curtain wall tool, like we can
do with windows tool.Cheers, Stefan
Hi everyone,Can anyone point me out how to resolve this? We use property
to define the name of the apartments. For that purpose, the Interactive
Schedule is working as it should, but now I was wondering if is it
possible to create an expression formu...
Hi all, Does anyone know why we can't export background fills in DWG
format using the Graphic Override tool? In the translator, I checked the
box for exporting background fills, but no luck. Only time when
background fill is exported is when Fill its...
Hi everyone, I am curios if its possible to create a property that.
contains information of the wall angle in the floor plan. I would use
this property to create Graphical override rule that uses this property
Interesting perspective on this issue. Personally, I’ve taken a
different approach that works well in our case. However, I’m glad to see
new ideas emerging within the community. Cheers,Stefan V
If that is the case, definitely contact a local representative from your
region to help you out :), or maybe wait a little bit and see if someone
from the forum gives you the needed solution. Cheers
Short answer - no! There is always gonna be some kind a gap in data
exchange since Archicad and Revit are not the same thing. Simply put,
they use different logic hence the result can't be the same. The better
question is what are you trying to accom...
Hy @ad5968, If you have a subscription license this could be a technical
issue, if so please contact your local reseller. But if you don't have a
subscription license, then it will not work by default since it is only
exclusive to users with a subscr...